Big broccoli

big_broccoliSMAnd a little update on the farm, while I’m at it. This picture makes me extremely happy, mostly because of how much of a good time my Dad is having in the background (click to enlarge). He and mom helped us harvest for the market twice during this visit, and it was a hoot. Good going taking a 10-day vacation, Mom! Emily is showing off this broccoli becuase it’s the beggest she’s ever grown. That is, until the following week, when she found one almost twice that size. It weighed in at 2.5 pounds, and a very heppy person bought it for $10 at the famers’ market. And, I assume, fed his entire family. If you want to see it, though, you will have to go check out Emily’s facebook page.

20140718_standSMOur farm is doing pretty well, despite the extreme lack of attention we’ve been giving it. So far at each market, we’ve grossed more than all previous seasons. This bodes well for the day when we can actually focus on making the garden great. Here’s a picture of the stand two weeks ago. I didn’t takeĀ one this week, as I got there late, but we actually had TWO full tables of produce. Yay!

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