Triple play!

Duct tape has many uses… but I've never used it for THAT before!

Duct tape has many uses… but I’ve never used it for THAT before!

Today I had three major milestones happen: the cottage passed plumbing inspection, mechanical inspection, and electrical inspection. The last one was the most stressful, in part because the electrical end of things is far more complicated, and also the electrical code is three times as thick as the mechanical and plumbing codes put together. Meaning, that I don’t know all there is to know about it, and there are bound to be some goofs.  Keep in mind, that’s much of why I’m doing this: architects are supposed to know all the building codes pretty well, which is quite a challenge.

The electrical inspection is actually a RE- inspection as a result; I failed the first time. The inspector was fairly lenient on me, since it’s an owner-build project, but the items he marked on his noncompliance form were:

  • No more than four conductors in a 22 cubic inch wall box. Duh, I should have known that. It was an easy fix.
  • Kitchens have to have two separate circuits in them, and bathroom circuits can’t serve other parts of the house. Didn’t know that, but then again, I’m mostly a commercial architect and that never comes up in commercial jobs.
  • You have to have an outdoor plug on the front AND the back of the house. That one was annoying to fix, as I had to tear off some siding on the back of the house.
  • No more than four conductors per structural hole. That one makes no sense to me at all, but he showed me a silly fix that meets the requirements of the code. For a 3″ hole with 8 wires in it, you separate them into two groups of 4, and drive a wooden shim between them… thus, two separate holes. The holes are  not round, they are semicircular, but the code is not specific about that. Huh.
  • The conductors between solar panels and switchgear have to be in metal conduit. This one gave me a heart attack, as that’s a very expensive wire to tear out, and HOW THE HECK AM I GOING TO GET A PIECE OF STEEL CONDUIT THROUGH ALL THOSE JOISTS?  Turns out, you can do it in flexible metal conduit- it looks like a big aluminum esophagus. Took a day to tear out and reinstall, but only cost me about $150.

So, mission accomplished: I learned some stuff!

Now we are at the point where we can legally put in insulation. Yay! However, there remains one little problem… the roof. I still haven’t received the ridge caps, and installing insulation with an incomplete roof is taking a gamble. Despite months of me badgering the roof manufacturer and them being lame and making up excuses, they still have not sent my stuff. I am at a loss for the best way to take this to the next level. Though, I did discover this morning that they have a facebook page. And it even has the gall to show MY roof, in its incomplete glory! ChickenBrian said I should start getting friends to comment on the page about how they’d like to see a completed picture of the roof. Nice idea! Please feel free to do so, you’d be doing me a real one. Maybe in the next post, I will recount the entire sordid tale of the roof and its related fiascos. It has been, by far, the single most problematic part of this entire construction project.

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A Portable Swarm

It was BLAZING hot yesterday (80 degrees!), and after a long day of toiling on the house project, I came back to the apartment pretty close to sundown. As I got out of the truck, i heard a buzzing in the tool shed… so I investigated and discovered that in the heat, my extra stored beehive parts had let off a pleasant honeylike odor, inviting all random bees in the area to stop by and investigate. Now, I share this tool shed with the landlord and Emily, who keeps potting soil and so forth in there, so I figured that it must be time to take my bee shizzle elsewhere, lest a few dozen bees loitering in the shed cause some political unrest at home.  Tired though I was, I loaded all the various feeders, hive bodies, honey supers, and so forth into the back of my truck, where is just barely fit. There were still a few bees drifting around, so I left the tailgate open, figuring they would go home as the sun set.

The next morning, I arose a bit late (8am?) to discover that there were a few dozen bees buzzing around the back of my truck. “I guess the foragers are out early” I thought to myself, annoyed that I would have to drive this gear off to the farm and strand a few bees in the process. I ate my breakfast, assembled my gear for the day, and then noticed there was a thunderous buzzing that had slowly built up.

2014 SwarmskySM“What’s all that ruckus about, bees?” I joked as I went out to put my gear in the truck. But to my surprise, there were no bees to be seen. Not a single one. I looked left, then right… then up. There, about 20 feet in the air, was a HUGE cloud of bees. About 30,000 of them. (click to enlarge)

2014TruckSwarmSMI’ve seen a swarm before, and that was definitely what was brewing. So I went back inside, and over the next hour or so we watched as the entire swarm moved into one of the empty beehives- right in the back of my truck! How’s that for convenient? Turns out, those “foragers” this morning were actually scout bees, and they came to consensus pretty quickly about where the new home should be. They then went back and brought the whole colony with them. They immediately set up shop, sending out foragers, storing honey, doing all the things that bees like to do. I went about my daily business and left the truck at home, back open, so as not to disturb them.

I came back at about 7pm, and by that time all the bees were in the hive and bedding down for the night. I quietly closed the back of the truck, drove it out to the farm, and set the hive up out in the orchard with the others. Ta-Daah! New beehive! Amazingly, the truck ride out to the farm didn’t disturb them one bit; when I opened the back of the truck upon arrival, only about three or four bees even took flight. The other 29,997 were resting calmly in the equipment.

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360,000 bees can’t be wrong

bee_deliverySM…about how nice it is to live on our farm! The final piece of the farm-grant puzzle came together yesterday, when I went to Portland to pick up a dozen crates of bees for my new hives. A lot of people in this half of the state get their bees from the same place, on the same day, so it’s pretty exciting. The bee store is normally a sleepy establishment, but on this day it has extra help on hand, extra checkouts, people to direct traffic, the works. It’s also funny and surreal, because half of the people in there are actually wearing their bee suits (not the norm) and there are occasional random bees drifting through the fancy, front-end part of the store, having lost their way from their friends waiting in the warehouse. Here I am, standing by a few pallets of bees.

GCapiarySMFrom there, back on the road and home to Gravel Creek. But first, a stop for lunch. No, I didn’t lock the back of the truck while I was away. The thought of someone opening up the truck to pilfer something and finding all those buzzing, excited bees is very amusing to me.  Anyway, two hours later and I was home and ready to put the bees in their new residences. I’ve never hived so many bees at once before, but it was kindof fun, getting the system down and just being efficient. All told, it took about two hours to get them comfortable in their new, high-class digs.  And the final sting tally? Only three. Though the one on my chin was awfully painful. Note to self: when leaning over, do not let my face brush against the screen mesh of the bee veil, especially when there are dozens of angry bees hanging from it.

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Well well well

wellculvertSMAfter a long wait, work has finally started on the well. I mentioned our well options about a year ago, and since then we’ve been working to make that happen. I pulled a well construction permit from the state, took out the legally-mandated $5000 performance bond from the bonding company, and coordinated with my excavator buddy to help me dig it the next time he had his trackhoe in the area. All was set, then… the local gravel pit stopped producing the washed drainage fill I need to construct the well. This prettymuch put the brakes on things last fall- the way the surface catchment well works is, you have a large vertical culvert surrounded by a LOT of gravel that the water table can percolate through. Basically a 12′ pit full of the stuff.

But, thankfully, the gravel is now available again as of last week. We can build our well! The picture above is many cubic yards of the magic rock, as well as a 36″ diameter x 12′ long plastic perforated culvert. A culvert I crawled inside the entire length of, scrubbing with bleach water until it was shiny clean. Hopefully we can start digging in the next few days, if the rain lets up a little.

broken bridgeSMBut now I have another side project, as well. While driving his dumptruck full of gravel over my bridge, the aforementioned excavator buddy was less than careful and wandered too close to the edge of the bridge. This was the result; I guess I am now a bridge repairman too. Luckily,  no one was hurt and Dick was able to get his dumptruck out of the creek without too much trouble and only one part bent on the front end suspension. He felt kindof silly; he knows better and he’s driven his fully loaded dumptruck across the bridge before and knows you need to stay on the center where the steel beams are.

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What would Gilligan do?

gilligan_waterSMWe still don’t have a well or running water, but one of the things that I have to do sometime soon is a plumbing test for the drain and vent system. To do that, you have to fill the system with water to prove it doesn’t leak. But where to get water? As luck would have it, the previous owners of the cottage had arranged a rainwater catchment system. By the time WE bought the property, it was in disrepair. But a little cleaning, replumbing, and field improvisation has brought it back online- complete with an elaborate system of overflows. Gilligan, eat your heart out.


There have been other repairs and refurbishments happening as well. Brian and Ryan helped me build a mini greenhouse a few years back, and after three  seasons of hard use, the plastic has finally dissolved. This weekend, Emily and I replaced it with a double-walled flexible panel called “Soloexx”. It’s like corrugated cardboard, but made from UV-stabilized plastic. Should be quite durable and help keep those plants cozy.

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Third-world healthcare

Sometimes I have to take a break from thinking about farming and construction, and I sometimes end pondering third-world development issues. I came across this brief clip about healthcare, and it made me so happy I am reposting it here. Enjoy!

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Kilarney Red

kilarneySMEmily’s trying a new variety of garlic this year, Kilarney Red. It’s a hardneck from Ireland, which we figured would be a good fit, as Ireland has the same mesothermic maritime environment that we do. We may have guessed right- look at how big and green that garlic is, and it’s not even April!

I also went out and checked the bees today, during a brief lull in the weather. This is the second busiest time of the year for the bees (after honey season) as they are starting to build their numbers rapidly to be ready for the fair weather and flowers that are on the way.  For me, it’s spring cleaning time: open up the hives, clean out the winter debris and dead bees, replace bottom boards, swap out any broken equipment. The bees do NOT like to be disturbed from their long winter’s nap, let me tell you. There was quite a bit of buzzing and flying at my face butt-first. Lucky, BEE VEIL!   And the good news? It appears that all five of my colonies survived. That’s a big deal, because in the last few decades, national bee losses have been in excess of 30% every winter! I’d like to think it was my fantastic skills as a beekeeper that kept my buzzers alive, but I suspect there’s a bit of luck in there too. But I can settle for that. My overwinter survival record thus far:

2012: 0 of 2 colonies

2013: 3 of 3 colonies

2014: 5 of 5 colonies

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Building beehives

cleansing flightSMLast week we had a break in the rain and cold, and the bees went out for a little buzz around the hive. You go, little guys! I was busy as well, building hives in anticipation of the arrival of the new bees for the 2014 season. Remember the grant I told you about a few weeks ago, that Emily used to buy the walking tractor? Well, I used a big chunk of mine to by supplies and equipment to set up a dozen new bee colonies, bringing our total to about 20 or so. This is a big step, not just in terms of extra work, but also financially. A package of bees is about $100, and a hive costs about $250 or so once you add in all the extra stuff like honey supers, frame feeders, some sort of stand, and so forth. I am making my hives out of cedar, so they will be a bit more expensive than pine hives, but they will last longer and don’t need to be painted. Since I’m making them in bulk, I’m saving a little bit of money.

building hivesSMOr, rather, trading time for money. Here we see a team of happy volunteers, making brood boxes. We have a station for ripping the cedar and cutting the rabbets for the frames, another for cutting the corners, and one for assembling. In a later step, I used a router to cut the lifting lugs in the sides. When these hives are done, they are going to be totally sweet. Emily gave me some guff about being smart about where I spend my time, and she’s right- there are a lot of things that need my attention right now. So, luckily, there have been offers to help on the beehives.  Also, another timesaver is that I’m going to use plastic frames. They intrigue me, and my friend Mark has had good luck with them in Indiana. This takes out the most time consuming assembly task, which is good when you consider there are 20 frames in a basic hive, and 40 once you get two honey supers on it… so we’re talking about putting together 480 frames. Yikes.

Bees arrive some time in early April, so I have only a week or two to get this finished. Wish me luck!

As an interesting side note, I saw these pictures today (courtesy of Whole Foods) showing what a grocery store might look like if there were no bees to pollinate our crops. This is another reason people should give a darn about pesticides killing bees…


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Pulling wire

pullinwire1SMOn to electrical! We’re finally at the stage where we are pulling wire for the cottage. It’s surprisingly physical work, pulling all that wire through all those little holes. As Ryan and Sleep were helping me,  Ryan mentioned that it would be that hardest part about being an electrician. But I know that no to be true, because electricians don’t pull wire… they hire electrician’s assistants to do it!  I know this because my architect buddy Keith used to be an electrician’s assistant before he went to architecture school, and mentioned once how much work it was (and that he didn’t really learn much about being an electrician that summer, either).

pullin_anthonySMSpeaking of architects, my friend Anthony Stoppiello came over to help pull wire for a day as well. This guy is great; he’s community-minded, funny, collaborative, and has a lot of good architect sense. And he’s just plain nice. I hope that when I’m his age (72), I’m still helping people build houses and hiking in the mountains and playing frisbee football at my birthday party like he does. Besides being a good friend and a nice guy to have tea with,  he’s one of the other three architects in the county besides me, and he was the one who introduced me to the other two, Tom Ayres and Tom Bender. I’m lucky in that all four of us get along well, and the other two have also helped on my house in various ways- one hooked me up with a plumber, and the other let me borrow his scaffolding.

It takes a surprising amount of wire for a 680sf house. I bought 500 feet of NM-B cable (Romex), and it turned out that I needed twice that much. These sort of misestimations are one of the reasons I’m not a contractor, I guess. And it’s not like my house is an electrical power station! I’m on solar power, and don’t plan on running a lot of electrical gear. But I do have a lot of outlets and switches and lights, to give flexibility for the power I am using. And that gobbles up a lot of wire.

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Grillo walking tractor has arrived

So, something monumental has been brewing for about three years, and it’s finally coming together. A month or two after we got back from Peace Corps in Guatemala, right after we moved to Oregon, we were talking with another recently returned Peace Corps volunteer and she mentioned a really cool program called “VIDA”. Sponsored by a collaboration of the state and a few nonprofits, it grants cash to low income participants who are able to save money in a controlled account, for use buying a first home, getting a college education, or starting an agribusiness. It sounded too good to be true; if you can save $3,000 over three years, they will QUADRUPLE it for qualifying purchases. We did the research, and it turns out that it is a legit program… in fact, they have trouble getting people to sign up, because it sounds like a scam. The prerequisites are moderately challenging: you have to attend some business classes, make the monthly payments for three years, be below the median poverty level when you enroll (that was the easiest one; we made about $3000 per year Guatemala!), and like all government programs, put up with a mountain of paperwork.

grilloSMBut the proof is in the pudding, and I’m pleased to announce that IT WORKED. We had several qualified purchases, and the biggest one just arrived on a truck yesterday. May I present to you our bouncing baby tractor. Or, “walking tractor,” actually. We test plowed with one last year, and fell in love with the idea of having our own. It’s a GREAT tool; digging a planting bed used to take about 90 minutes per 100 square feet, now I can do the same work in about 37 seconds.

When you get a new one from the dealer, it’s quite shiny and awesome looking. It even has that new car smell. Aaahhh. But unlike a new car, some assembly is required. Luckily, our neighbor Lance let me use his barn as a staging point. The freight company dropped the pallets right on the barn floor, and I got to work breaking apart all the crating, reviewing the instruction manuals, and sorting parts. Tools in hand, I tightened bolts, checked oil, and scratched my head a bit as I read the (mostly in Italian) instructions.


As I worked, I noticed that I had an audience. One of the occupational hazards of building something in a barn? Turns out, cows are very curious animals, and they watched patiently for the whole two hours. And I know it was legitimate curiosity, not just waiting for food, as they stopped all the crazy mooing after about the first half hour. From then on, all that could be heard was the occasional plopping as cow patties hit the floor.

We also purchased four implements for the tractor. Besides the rotary plow and rototiller we mentioned in the other post, we were also able to get a wood chipper and a flail mower… both of which will be super handy for the orchard. I can’t wait for the ground to firm up, so I can get out there and start working with it!

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